Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Tonight I had a very lovely dinner with my friend and a couple of her friends. They were just so sweet and friendly that it made me wonder why aren't girls always like this?!? We are so much better when we are kind to others. I know we girls sometimes have these little mechanisms in our brains that make our eyes see every other girl as a potential enemy instead of a potential friend (I do this sometimes and I just hate it). But really, just think how much more pleasant life would be if you thought "wow she's really nice and cool." instead of thinking "wow, she's pretty or has better clothes than me so I am going to dislike her." So, be nice and don't hate. The end. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Whats a blog to do?

Since I decided to start this blog, I have been racking my mind thinking of what kind of blog I wanted it to be. Should it be a grad student's life journey kind of blog, should it be a review type blog, a a picture blog, a super witty blog? It sort of gave me an identity crisis. What kind of blogger am I? I know, I know, these are seriously tough questions to answer.... but I have come to a conclusion!

I am a becca kind of blogger. Simply put, I don't know if there is a niche for me in this blogging world. But if I feel like writing something, I will.

Happy Monday!